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Client Portal

The Saenger Consulting Group offers a robust suite of password protected online course, instructor, and student data reports directly from a secured website individually constructed for each client! All information is updated in real-time to provide instructors, course administrators, and managers with the data required to meet the demands of a dynamic continuing education compliance program. All of these reports, capabilities, and services are available 24/7 at no additional charge!

  • Provider Approvals... a detailed report, in an easy to read format, provides you with specific information concerning your authorized course provider status in each jurisdiction including the approval expiration dates.

  • Course Approvals... two separate reports are provided to display your course approval information; each report is designed to meet specific informational needs! One report will display all courses approved for your firm in an individual jurisdiction; information displayed includes the course titles, credits awarded, approval dates, expiration dates, and credit reporting deadlines. The second report shows all jurisdictions where an individual course has been approved; the information provided includes the approval status in each jurisdiction, the number of credits granted, and the classifications of credit awarded.

  • Instructor Approvals... all of your instructors are listed in a “drop-down” menu format for easy access. After selecting an instructor from those listed, the states where the individual is approved are displayed.

  • Instructor Approval Submissions... as new instructors are appointed, their biographical information can be submitted online to expedite the state approvals. An easy to follow template is provided directly from your secured website that will walk instructor candidates through the information gathering process.

  • Event Listings... all courses scheduled throughout a date-range you select will be displayed instantly! The information provided in this report includes the date of the event, the name of the instructor teaching the course, the location of the program, the title of each presentation, and the time that each event will be conducted.

  • State CE Requirements... this is an up-to-date, comprehensive listing of the continuing education requirements in every state in the country. This information is constantly maintained to provide you with the latest information available.

  • Pre-Class Course Notifications... most state CE regulations require advance notification of your class offerings. Simply complete the brief online notification form, “click” submit and then let the Saenger Consulting Group staff take it from there!

  • Student Certification Data...This report lists every student who attended a specific event and which continuing education credit certification(s) they received.

  • Student Listing by Affiliation...the company or agency affiliation of every student who has attended any of your courses is listed on this report along with the name of the instructor, the title of the program, and the date of the event.

  • Student Listing by this report to view a listing of all students who attended a specific course. For example, this report would be selected if you would like to know which producers from the ABC Life Insurance Company attended your course titled Variable Annuities.

  • Student Listing by Course Date...if you need a listing of all individuals who attended courses that were conducted during a range of dates, this is the report you would select.

  • Student Listing by Event...this report gives you the flexibility to display a complete list of all students who attended a specific seminar or class and their individual corporate affiliation.

  • Student Listing by Instructor...this report shows all of the students, their company affiliation together with the title, location and dates of the courses conducted by each of your instructors.

  • Student Listing by Location...a listing is provided of all individuals who attended your events that were conducted in a certain geographical area, a specific city, or at an identified facility.

  • Provider Approvals... a detailed report, in an easy to read format, provides you with specific information concerning your authorized course provider status in each jurisdiction including the approval expiration dates.

Saenger Consulting Group

(phone) 603-236-3300

(fax) 603-236-3600

88 Lake Tarleton Road, Warren, NH 03279

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